昊星HAOSTARS粉碎研磨设备,湿磨机,胶体研磨泵 中国.温州胶体磨厂家 管线式研磨泵(管线式多功能研磨机,钛白粉胶体磨)、钛白炭黑活性包膜超微粒后处理配套设备:钛白粉(白炭黑)研磨后处理成套设备等机械是浙江昊星机械制造有限公司目前生产的新产品, 可代替进口研磨机或砂磨机而成功应用于钛渣制取钛白粉的研磨制备,使用在活性钛白粉(二氧化钛-活性钛白)、白炭黑(二氧化硅-消光白炭黑)的后处理设备工艺流程上有了更大发挥,优势在于上述类似产品比较在其生产效率的数倍,可大幅度的降低生产成本费用,而且在线连续运行、分散颗粒均匀、清洗换色方便、包膜迅速而无研磨杂质。
推荐产品如:立式胶体磨、卧式胶体磨、湿式胶磨机、多功能colloid mill胶体磨,封闭式胶体磨、分体式胶体磨、卫生级胶体磨、实验胶体磨、不锈钢胶体磨、管线式胶体磨、湿式胶体磨、钛白胶体磨单机设备:胶体磨、冷热缸、发酵罐、种子罐、配料罐、直冷式贮奶罐、化糖锅、夹层锅、卧式杀菌锅、反应锅、无菌贮罐、CIP 清洗设备、真空脱气罐、超高温瞬时灭菌机、多功能提取罐、调配罐、全自动板式超高温灭菌机、打浆机、板式换热器、各种过滤设备、水粉混合器或料液混合泵、饮料泵及管道阀门配件等品质好、性能可靠,久享盛誉,深得海内外客商的青睐。
工程应用案例: 智能低温胶体磨成套设备JM-FBF140-2Z应用台湾上工植物原生态研磨粉碎制剂工程;HSG系列智能数控低温(直冷式)均化研磨成套设备用在聚睿(杭州)生物科技有限公司、浙江亿农优鲜农业生态科技发展有限公司生物面膜项目和赣南海欣药业股份制备猪脾脏制备含多肽、口服溶液;特制胶体磨用于浙江丰安生物制药年产6吨胰蛋白酶、脾氨肽、双向抵抗调剂工程;JM-W300AC55KW纳米锥体磨-石墨烯研磨机应用于贵州鼎玺烯材高科技有限公司年产量100吨石墨烯生产线; JM-W250AD、JM-W180AB锂电基料研磨泵(多功能浆磨机)高分子树脂粉碎研磨泵 HSJMW锂电池浆料管道胶体磨应用在四川南光新能源、深圳一电电池、成都易安胜科技、浙江万马、渭南超安易能新能源科技等锂电池正负极基料生产线上;JM-W200AB-F泵型管线式耐高温210℃多功能研磨机,应用于嘉兴北化年产量6000吨新型防老剂SPPD、多功能流动剂LT-13、交联剂、无锌化活性剂等研磨分散粉碎精细处理和金山化工模量增强剂HMZ、均匀剂A78等橡胶助剂项目;耐腐蚀耐磨特殊钢精制硬质不锈钢JM-W250AD37型应用OSC Siam Silica CO.,Ltd.、美国陶氏、上海凯赛、中国林业科学研究院林产化学工业研究所与江苏强森生物能源成果转化项目活性炭、碳酸钙等新材料项目工程;JM-W250AD-2/4应用于中海亚化学年生产3000吨吸附式调温材料项目和中石化北京燕山催化剂厂、杭州凯明催化剂股份等催化剂化工工程项目;JM-W180AC用于东莞钻脂、中石化重庆分公司、一坪润滑油、纳拓(上海)润滑技术的和非牛顿流体合成润滑脂制备;多功能胶体磨JM-W200AB-F多功能研磨机-研磨泵JP-W250AD-F;JM-W250AD用于广州根达农业科技有限公司、江苏扬农集团、新疆沙雅新丰实业有限公司的腐植酸液体水溶肥、复合生态肥料、滴灌肥生产工程;JM-WB300AB、WB250AB-2(卫生级泵式)系列应用嘉必优万吨生物工程ARA+DHA(发酵法)单体工厂;JM-W250AD用于荣成海圣鱼粉厂、荣成市和丰生物科技有限公司、海中源生物科技股份有限公司、舟山新舟粉碎鱼虾浆的饲料、鱼粉、鱼饵等生产,亚泰蕃茄酱和辣椒酱等食品大型生产线;华宇炭黑有限公司、江西黑猫炭黑股份有限公司,通化双龙化工股份有限公司,台湾立安东化工股份有限公司,泰国硅暹股份有限公司,吉清股份有限公司等改性白炭黑大型打浆泵用于年产5-20年吨二氧化硅滤饼高速制浆改性研磨工程项目;分体式研磨泵JM-W250AD用于株洲兴隆新材料股份有限公司硅酸钠、饲料级二氧化硅、沉淀水合二氧化硅等无机硅化物湿法解聚分散打浆制浆粉碎技改工程项目;JM-W200AB22系列高剪切多功能研磨机泵应用于年产2万吨山东佳莹新材料有限公司,浙江来往新材料有限公司、新旺胶粘有限公司、浙江汇锋新材料有限公司、浙江浦森新材料有限公司、江苏吴江银河丝织整理有限公司、巴斯伏阻燃材料工程;,LSB-80JX/P4精细粉碎泵JP-W200AC管道胶体磨、JP-W250A55系列管道磨式10台大型研磨泵成功应用于江苏四新应用科技研究院有限公司仪征四新新材料有限公司年产8万吨高碳醇&有机硅乳液设备组,消泡剂设备组等工程项目;JP250AD-F分体式研磨泵和大型胶体磨JM-W250AB、钛白研磨机JM-W250AD-2系列钛白粉研磨机应用在攀枝花东方钛业有限公司、攀钢渝钛、东佳集团、攀枝花大互通钛业有限公司、中国钛海集团、广东惠云钛业股份有限公司、漯河兴茂钛业有限公司、广西金龙钛业有限公司、攀枝花海峰鑫化工有限责任公司、金浦集团南京钛白化工等公司的多条年产4-20万吨精钛粉(钛渣)制取改性钛白(二氧化钛)包膜的中端制备。以及涉及南海霸力化工、上海汇润胶粘剂、福尔波粘合剂(广州)、江阴贝瑞森生化技术、永得利胶囊、钱江胶囊、中亚胶囊、浙江绿健胶囊、康恩贝集团、仙琚药业、新昌制药、中柴新能源有限公司、中国橡胶集团特种材料研究所等胶粘剂、医药制剂等项目工程;JM-W250AD;200AC;180AC系列应用在中国石油化工总公司重庆分公司、一坪润滑油有限公司、上海纳拓润滑技术有限公司、纳拓(江苏) 润滑脂有限公司、东莞钻脂等合成脂、润滑脂等生产线上。昊星智能机械设备在管道联接密闭性好,使含颗粒迅速分散解聚、搅拌混合、打浆均化、研磨粉粒和输送自动一体化工艺处理上有了更大发挥,与类似产品比较在其节能和生产效率的数倍,效益显着。
浙江昊星机械设备制造有限公司综合了自己的技术优势和客户需求,制造出了简单易用和坚固耐久的JM多功能研磨机colloid mill胶体磨(立式胶体磨、分体式胶体磨、卧式胶体磨、封闭式胶体磨、管线式胶体磨、钛白粉研磨机,研磨泵)系列、胶体泵ZB系列、乳化均质机SRH系列、单螺杆泵GS系列、乳化分散机WRL系列、混合机THJ系列、自动吸粉式分散乳化混合机SSC系列等产品。质量超群、性能卓越,久享盛誉,价格合理深得海内外客商的青睐。Zhejiang Hao star Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has always been at home and abroad pay attention to the quality of titanium dioxide titanium dioxide titanium dioxide manufacturer of grinding machines have an advanced screening equipment, improved technology, to improve the production environment, ground equipment installations technical innovation, quality and ability to cross the border to the titanium dioxide has played an important determinant of titanium dioxide pre-production work if done well, if the left the grinding equipment such as participation, the quality will obviously be greatly reduced titanium dioxide, which in turn affects the titanium dioxide "worth" and the manufacturer of terminal sales. In fact, domestic producers are aware of this fact, while the original capital invested in recent years really are willing to spend post-processing equipment, titanium dioxide is only a few relatively large domestic manufacturers, such as the use of Wenzhou Hao Xing Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. manufacture of new products, titanium dioxide patented technology Grinding Machine HSJM-W250AC-2; HSJM-W250Ad-2; HSJM-W320AC-2 and so on pipelined dedicated machine, pipe-line connections, can be sealed through the pipeline system of uninterrupted take titanium dioxide, the first to use mechanical equipment Hao Xing Grinding Machine Manufacture Co., Ltd. of titanium dioxide are Dong Jia, Hao P, Ti sea, Hing Mau, South titanium, in Kuo, Lung-based, titanium, titanium dioxide production of and other domestic leading enterprises, their previous grinder mainly from the introduction of Germany, about 40 units, respectively, grinding cylinder volume of 500 liters 1000 liters each half to produce the follow-up due to maintenance and spare parts consumption of large and inconvenient. Most of the other companies on to the basic domestic titanium dioxide primary grinding equipment, or even eliminate the post-processing costs of enterprises, the current strong market conditions proved that, after grinding through the fine production of titanium dioxide fine after more than a simple cursory treatment on the titanium dioxide products sold should be Qiaoxiao much more. After the economic crisis, high-quality titanium dioxide 8000-10000 yuan / ton and ordinary titanium dioxide 800-3000 yuan / ton world of difference between the market treatment to a lot of manufacturers believe that the quality titanium dioxide was the last word, forcing them from price competition to quality competition means strategy, in that many manufacturers began to focus on titanium dioxide product quality improvements, including a lot of titanium dioxide industry, "New Horizons", such as titanium dioxide company also joined the new Fu quality innovation wave. It is understood that major national manufacturers titanium dioxide production period and the result of the financial crisis, hardship cases, the new Fu Dioxide Company "by the brain innovation" is committed to increase value-added products, its a way for the upgrading of titanium dioxide products of special quality and excellent performance . In order to make the product better dispersion performance, the new good fortune Company specially imported from Germany worth more than 2000 million yuan grinding equipment, and spared no expense to send R & D and technical personnel flew to the DuPont titanium dioxide and other advanced business study tour, after grinding and other processing techniques, we can see, not only Titanium leading enterprises, domestic enterprises have also begun to focus on small-scale titanium dioxide through the post-processing equipment to improve the grade of products to enhance the market competitiveness. However, this technological transformation operation does not cause the suspect to the enterprise itself, the cost of follow-up on the commission, and grinding equipment, great maintenance costs while reducing their competitiveness.
As a result, Wenzhou Hao Xing Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. HS Titanium grinding machines and other post-processing equipment will be more concerned about the titanium dioxide manufacturer, can be quite optimistic about its sales prospects. With the domestic titanium dioxide special grinding equipment manufacturing technology continues to break the market opportunity to show his face more and more. According to China's own technology development potential and momentum point of view, before long time, I post-processing equipment, grinding titanium dioxide plant is expected to achieve dramatic improvements in terms of quality, or even to a certain extent, to replace the imported equipment. At that time, Wenzhou Hao Xing Hao Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. The Star Titanium Grinder HSJM-W-2 series, the titanium dioxide colloid pump HSJM-P-2 series, titanium dioxide into the after-treatment devices will be widely applied prospects.
Hao star machinery and equipment / food equipment / food machinery / chemical pharmaceutical machinery and equipment: colloid mill / wet grinder / rubber mill / Titanium grinding machine / High Shear Emulsifier / Homogenizer / homogeneous Pump / Mixer / colloid Pump / pulp pump / rotor pump / screw / MC Pump / Health valves tube ┃ ┃ Laboratory High-Pressure Homogenizer High Shear Emulsifying Machine (both high-shear milk machine _ a high-shear liquid _ high shear homogenizer mixer, high-shear dispersing emulsifier, batch high shear emulsifying machine, pipeline-type high-shear emulsifying machine, kettle at the end of emulsifying dispersion machine, heterogeneous machines, emulsifying machines, suction powder dispersed homogeneous emulsifying mixer, powder mixing pump suction, ┃ colloidal colloid mill / Multi Colloid Mill / Vertical Colloid Mill _ Split / Horizontal Colloid Mill / total stainless steel Colloid Mill / closed Colloid Mill / Full enclosed colloid Mill / Pipeline Colloid Mill / Titanium Colloid Mill / Pharmaceutical Colloid Mill / chemical colloidal / emulsion Colloid Mill / Asphalt Colloid Mill / Chicken Colloid Mill / ceramic Colloid Mill / large Colloid Mill / lab mini-Colloid Mill / Grinding Machine / wet grinder / ultrafine particles refiner / Titanium Dioxide grinder / mill glaze fine ┃ High pressure homogenization / ultra-high pressure homogenization / homogeneous pump / sterilization emulsion homogeneous pump pot ┃ ┃ horizontal stainless steel beverage pump / (centrifugal pump milk beverage pump _ _ Health and pump) split gouache Mixer / Vertical Gouache mixing pump (liquid mixer _ _ gouache gouache mixers Mixer Mixer _ _ liquid feed mixture liquid feed pump) ┃ stainless steel Consistency Pump / Cam Rotor Pump (10000 Pumps shoes with pumps _ __ _ clover pump pump colloid colloid pumps) ┃ single-pole screw / screw thick paste ┃ _ sand core sand bar screen filter (filtration equipment ) ┃ ┃ activated carbon filter sieve microporous membrane filter drum-type ┃ ┃ double-filter-type diatomite filter live next ┃ ┃ ┃ Clamp Elbow / Tee / straight / Stone ┃ quick connector / live Access / Flange / blind plate / compensator / valve ┃ automatic tank washing device / fixed washing ball / spin washing ball / wash tank ball ┃
Wenzhou Hao star Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. combines the advantages of its technology and customer needs, to create a simple and easy to use and rugged durability of the JM multifunctional colloid mill grinding machine Colloid Mill (Vertical Colloid Mill, Colloid Mill split, horizontal Colloid Mill, Colloid Mill closed, pipeline-type colloid mill, grinding machine titanium dioxide) series, colloid pump ZB series, the emulsifying homogenizer SRH series, single-screw pump GS series, the emulsifying dispersion machine WRL series, mixer THJ series, Automatic suction powder dispersed emulsion mixer SSC series and other products. Superior quality, performance excellence, have long enjoyed high reputation, reasonable price and won the favor of customers at home and abroad. Have a utility model, appearance and other Chinese patented inventions, is a national initiative, utility models, novel appearance, environmental protection and energy saving, small size, high efficiency, quick delivery and reasonable price, etc., to make your system more reliable, more quiet, less power consumption. Laboratory dedicated machine, such as the procurement of equipment units: China University of Petroleum (East China) (Beijing), Beijing Agricultural College, Tsinghua University, Shandong University, Shandong Agricultural University, Hebei Agricultural University, Shanghai Medical University, Capital Medical University, Nanjing Medical University, , Wuhan Institute of Chemical Technology, Wuhan Institute of Biological Engineering, Guangdong College of Pharmacy, Shanxi Normal University, Yangtze Normal University, Guangdong University, Hunan Agricultural University, Jilin Agricultural University, Wuhan Polytechnic University, People's Liberation Army General Logistics Department Construction Research Institute, Beijing Friendship Hospital , Xiamen University, Food Engineering, School of Biological Sciences, Southern Medical University, Xiamen University, Zhongshan Hospital, Yichang No. 1 People's Hospital, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Atomic Energy Research Institute, Suzhou Institute of Non-metallic mine, Xinjiang, China-based natural purified by high-tech study, Tianjin Chemical Research & Design Institute, Heilongjiang Province Chemical Industry Research Institute, Nanjing blueprint for research institutes, Hainan Province, Institute of Materia Medica, Guangdong Paper Research Institute, Hunan and Paper Research Institute and other units.
Hao-Star Ultra-High Speed Grinding Machine colloidal mill pairs of cooling colloidal SSJM-XXX-2 series of each type, titanium dioxide slurry pumps JP series, using a special dynamic seal (using a number of patented technology), available at no material circumstances do change, will not damage dynamic seal and mechanical properties, maintenance rate is low, friction power is small, grinding, dispersion fineness are "2-micron, the effect is good, and high efficiency. The machine spindle speed of up to 2000-3500 per minute turn, disc line speeds of up to 1200-5100 meters per minute. Is mainly used for fineness demanding, difficult ground, scattered materials, completely replace the three-roll machine, ball-type grinding machine, heterogeneous machines and other equipment, our company develop new products, titanium dioxide Grinder SSJM-W250Ac-2; SSJM - W320Ac-2; SSJM-W400Ac-2, the disc is made using special materials, toughness, wear resistance, temperature resistance and hardness, and titanium dioxide slurry pump JP-250Ab, JP320AB series are suitable for the production of titanium dioxide preparation This series of special models is currently the only grinding machines, used instead of imported titanium dioxide - titanium dioxide on the new process, its production efficiency is several times more than the similar products can be substantially lower production costs, but the grains were evenly cleaning easy color change, no grinding impurities. Can be widely used in: chemical industry, food industry, daily chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, titanium dioxide industry, ceramic industry, bio-engineering and other fields. Units such as the use of production machines: Chongqing, a ping Lubricant Co., Ltd., on the Heise Long chemicals, Guangzhou Wen-Sheng Chemical Industry, Chongqing Yu Xin Group, Guangzhou Liby Group, Xiamen Gulong Group, Xuzhou En China Pharmaceutical Group, Kunming, the Group of Friends , CONBA Group, Sichuan Diao Pharmaceutical Group, the Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group, Xinyi Group, new materials division, Dagang Oilfield Group, Zhejiang Xinchang Pharmaceutical Factory Pharmaceutical AG, Xianju Pharmaceutical Factory, Zhejiang Zhen-Yuan Pharmaceutical Zhejiang Hui Song medicine, Lend Lease Group, Guizhou medicine, genetic engineering, stem cells, Concord East China, Zhejiang Dade Pharmaceutical Group, Shanxi new Double-Crane Pharmaceutical, integrated medicine, Hsin Yi medicine, Beijing Shuangji Pharmaceutical, Shanghai Double-base medicine, Henan Yi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., 39 Pharmaceutical Company Limited, Kingway Brewery, Golden Lion Beer, Yanjing Beer, Li River Quan Pijiu, Tsingtao Brewery Co. Ltd., Shanghai Perfectionist new materials technology company, Shenzhen Diamond Source of new materials technology development company, Hebei Changshan Biochemical Pharmaceutical, Hebei Wellcome medicine, Oriental medicine LAM Pharmaceutical Company, Dongying Wonder plant protein technology company, Shandong Yuwang Industrial Co., Ltd., Rui Rui Group, Shandong Gold Wing Biotech ..., the new Daze Spirulina Co., Ltd., Hua Di Group, nanotechnology Taoyuan pesticides, rich peasants Chemical Company (Malaysia), Latin America on behalf of the Swedish Tetra Pak Group (Tetra Pak), Hong Kong Mu-lin food industry groups, Jie Kemu Industries (Vietnam), Emory special, Inc. (USA), Shanghai Hubble company, Hui Da Industry & Trade Co., Ltd. (Taiwan), Li Bao Building Materials Industry Co., Ltd., Jiangsu, Guangzhou Hui Da Chemical Industry Company, Shanghai Hui Run Adhesive Co., Ltd., National (Guangdong) starch desu Company, Fujian three mountain Starch Co., Ltd., Shanghai Warburg Peacock Flavor Fragrance Co., Ltd., Chongqing Asia, the former biotechnology company, the Philippines, international pharmaceutical companies, South Korea's Yu-star Co., Ltd., South Korea Chong from industry, SARVarese (Italy), GFP Limited (Tanzania), Rich Medicine (Hong Kong), Colombia pharmaceutical companies, 19 units of 07 Research Institute, Wuxi Hao Pu Titanium Co., Ltd., prosperous titanium dioxide industry, strong Ceramics Co., Ltd., Shenyang, Shenyang City, the family Yue Ceramics Co., Ltd., Hongmei Ceramics Co., Ltd., Hubei flourishing ceramics Co., Ltd., Haopu Titanium, Titanium simexco Luohe, Panzhihua titanium sea science and technology, Shandong Dong Jia Group, Gimpo Group, Titanium, etc. as well as high security, Zibo, Jingdezhen and Minqing County in ceramic industry, protein powder and titanium dioxide, the user has been around the world, the product best-selling domestic and international markets.
乳品设备食品/食品机械/化工制药机械设备:胶体磨/湿式粉碎机/胶磨机/钛白粉研磨机/高剪切乳化机/均质机/均质泵/混合机/胶体泵/浆料泵/转子泵/螺杆泵/浓浆泵/ 实验室用高压均质机┃高剪切乳化机(高剪切乳均机_高剪切料液混合机_高剪切均质机、高剪切分散乳化机、间歇式高剪切乳化机、管线式高剪切乳化机、釜底分散乳化机、均质机、乳化机、吸粉式分散均质乳化混合机、吸粉式混合泵、┃胶体磨colloid mill/多功能胶体磨/立式胶体磨_分体式/卧式胶体磨/整体不锈钢胶体磨/封闭式胶体磨/全封闭式胶体磨/管线式胶体磨/钛业胶体磨/制药胶体磨/化工胶体磨/乳化胶体磨/沥青胶体磨/鸡精胶体磨/陶瓷胶体磨/大型胶体磨/实验室小型胶体磨/研磨机/湿式粉碎机/超微粒磨浆机/钛白粉研磨机/釉料精磨机┃高压均质机/超高压均质机/均质泵/乳化均质泵┃卧式杀菌锅┃不锈钢饮料泵/(离心式饮料泵_奶泵_卫生泵)分体式水粉混合机/立式水粉混合泵(料液混合器_水粉混合器_水粉混合机_液料混合机_液料混料泵)┃不锈钢浓浆泵/凸轮转子泵(万用输送泵_鞋底泵_三叶泵__胶体泵colloid pumps)┃单杆螺杆泵/浓浆螺杆泵┃砂芯筛过滤器_砂棒(过滤设备)┃活性炭筛过滤器┃微孔膜筒式过滤器式┃双联过滤器式┃硅藻土过滤器┃卡箍┃活接┃弯头/三通/直通/四通┃快装接头/活接/法兰/盲板/补偿器/阀门┃自动洗罐器/固定冲洗球/旋转清洗球/洗罐球┃卫生阀门管件┃
产品规格︰ Chemical food pharmaceutical machinery and equipment
产品优点︰ 钛白粉研磨机|多功能研磨机|钛白粉研磨机技术|钛白粉研磨机性能|钛白粉研磨机制造|钛白粉转子磨|立卧式研磨泵,研磨泵,非标研磨泵,分散研磨泵,钛白研磨泵,炭黑研磨泵,胶体磨价格|管线式胶体磨|钛业胶体磨|制药胶体磨|化工胶体磨|乳化胶体磨|沥青胶体磨|陶瓷胶体磨|大型胶体磨|实验室小型胶体磨|研磨机|colloid mill|