










    昊星管线式研磨分散机(泵)JMW、JPW、JPF系列液体肥研磨泵,复合液体肥料粉碎腐酸水肥胶体磨&研磨泵,粉碎型研磨机,胶体磨的返流式胶体磨, 煤焦油渣研磨泵,煤焦油和重油分散研磨泵,它能使乳化和分散效果较常规胶体磨不能处理的而进一步提高机械性能。这种新型胶体磨结构紧凑,坚固。由于整机为封闭式管道在线分散、粉碎、均质和研磨运行,因此防止了周围空气进入介质中,而且机器处理速度很,剪切间隙非常小,这样当物料经过的时候,形成的摩擦力就比较剧烈,结果就是通常所说的湿磨。定转子被制成圆椎形,具有精细度递升的多级锯齿突起和凹槽。定子可以无限制的被调整到所需要的与转子之间的距离。在增强的流体湍流下,凹槽在每级都可以改变方向。高质量的表面抛光和结构材料,可以满足不同行业的多种要求。

工程应用案例: 智能低温胶体磨组合设备JM-FBF140-2Z应用台湾上工植物原生态研磨粉碎制剂工程;HSG系列智能数控低温(直冷式)均化研磨成套设备用在聚睿(杭州)生物科技有限公司、浙江亿农优鲜农业生态科技发展有限公司生物面膜项目和赣南海欣药业股份制备猪脾脏制备含多肽、氨基酸和多核苷酸混合物的转移因子口服溶液;特制胶体磨用于浙江丰安生物制药年产6吨胰蛋白酶、脾氨肽、双向免疫调剂工程;JM-W300AC55KW纳米锥体磨-石墨烯研磨机应用于贵州鼎玺烯材高科技有限公司是国内年产量100吨石墨烯生产线,采用的是物理剥离法,大限度保留石墨烯纳米材料特性;JM-W200AB-F泵型管线式耐高温210℃多功能研磨机,应用于嘉兴北化年产量6000吨新型防老剂SPPD、多功能流动剂LT-13、交联剂、无锌化活性剂等研磨分散粉碎精细处理和金山化工模量增强剂HMZ、均匀剂A78等橡胶助剂项目;耐腐蚀耐磨特殊钢精制硬质不锈钢JM-W250AD37型应用OSC Siam Silica CO.,Ltd.、美国陶氏、上海凯赛、中国林业科学研究院林产化学工业研究所与江苏强森生物能源成果转化项目活性炭、碳酸钙等新材料项目工程;JM-W250AD-2/4应用于中海亚化学年生产3000吨吸附式调温材料项目和中石化北京燕山催化剂厂、杭州凯明催化剂股份等催化剂化工工程项目;JM-W180AC用于东莞钻脂、中石化重庆分公司、一坪润滑油、纳拓(上海)润滑技术的和非牛顿流体合成润滑脂制备;

产品优点︰ Titanium High-Speed Grinding Machine (New Colloid Mills) Hao Star is committed to the development of large high-speed grinding machine colloidal mill Colloid Mill made great scientific and technological fruits, such as the patented new products: Multi-purpose grinding machine using a special dynamic seal (using a number of patented technologies), No material may be transferred under dry and will not damage dynamic seal and mechanical properties, maintenance rate is low, the friction power is small, grinding, dispersion fineness are "2-micron, the effect is good, and high efficiency. The machine spindle speed of up to 2000-3500 per minute forward, grinding line speeds of up to 1200-4500 meters per minute. Is mainly used for fineness demanding, difficult ground, scattered materials, completely replace the three-roll machine, imported grinding machine, heterogeneous machines and other equipment, our factory to develop new products Titanium Grinder SSJM-W250Ac-2; SSJM-W320Ac -2; SSJM-W400Ac-2, and other special models is currently the only instead of imported grinding machine or sanding machines, used in high-grade titanium dioxide - Titanium Dioxide (active titanium dioxide) on the preparation process, the production efficiency is the above-mentioned similar products several times, can significantly lower production costs, but the grains were uniform, clean easily change color, no grinding impurities. Can be widely used in: chemical industry, food industry, daily chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, titanium dioxide industry, ceramic industry, bio-engineering and other fields, spearheaded the introduction of Seven Star Dairy Equipment Factory manufactured titanium dioxide slurry of the wet ultrafine particles specific grinding Machines: Titanium grinding machine SSJM-W250Ac-2 colloidal series, are: Haopu Titanium, Titanium simexco, Panzhihua titanium sea, Dong Jia Group, Gimpo Group, Nanjing Titanium Dioxide and other Chinese manufacturers used by leading enterprises and get users.
Seven companies for road bitumen industry, has developed the world's most cutting-edge products, modified bitumen mixture dispersed closed continuous grinding machine, Colloid Mills series and complete sets of production equipment to improve the traditional equipment of space occupied by large, high energy consumption, low efficiency drawbacks, in order to low power consumption, small space, high-quality, highly efficient integrated solution to replace the asphalt road and bridge has been widely used in the production process. Especially in the EVA / SBA mixed decentralized aspect of the product to achieve at the highest 380 ℃ and 16Bar under conditions of continuous mixing polymer and asphalt, asphalt maximum feed capacity of 35 tons / hour, the corresponding EVA / SBS maximum feed capacity will be increased to 8 tons / hour, and, at the same time the completion of modified asphalt, high-speed shearing, in order to achieve high standards of uniformity and fineness.
