昊星機械設備製造有限公司多功能膠體磨,簡稱:SS-JM系列膠體磨(COLLOID MILL膠體研磨機、GRINDIND MACHINE研磨機 )又名濕式超微粒粉碎機,濕式粉碎機、膠磨機、、磨均機、高剪切乳化研磨機、瀝青膠體泵、混料泵。昊星膠體磨製造SS-JM系列膠體磨可根據用戶的特殊要求提供多功能的可空轉式運作,機封與介質絕無接觸,機械密封使用壽更長的新一代衛生級可空轉式膠體磨以及研製了一種封閉式膠體磨其全封閉式內循環回流系統,使物料在密閉的環境中進行多功能研磨、乳化、均質、粉碎、分散、攪拌、混合的加工。該機器封閉性能良好,防止揮發性、易燃性、易爆性、高衛生及可在真空條件要求下工作等特點,特別適用於:香精、香料、醫藥、藥物、石油、化工、精細化工、生物制劑、植物蛋白、動物蛋白、啤酒、食品、 、高校,科研實驗室等領域行業使用。從而達到防爆防燃、防止加工物料有效成份的揮發或刺激工作環境和確保物料的品質純正。可以使加工的物料有效得到多循環的處理而達到理想的效果,封閉式膠體磨還配備了多項功能裝置亦可使調節盤靈活地調節機器的間距乳化細度和預防膨脹、平衡容器內部的壓力、機器可以缺料空轉等多種功能。因此,其特點全封閉性能好,防火防爆,防洩漏、可空轉、操作方便,衛生環保,節能。
膠體磨|研磨機|乳化機|濕磨|混合泵 膠體泵,轉子泵,粉碎泵、打漿機 昊星膠體磨 colloid mill 粉碎研磨泵用於液體或粘稠物料的研磨機器。醫藥膠體磨,藥劑膠體磨,API膠體磨, 化工膠體磨,HS食品膠體磨比普通膠體磨具有全自動剪切、分散、破碎、乳化、均質、均化、混合、研磨等效能。研磨細化能力更強,可分為立式膠體磨,分體式膠體磨,臥式研磨機,封閉式膠體研磨機組,管道磨和低溫數控分散粉碎研磨成套設備,六種智造濕磨機械類型,HAOSTARS多功能漿磨機,粉砬泵,精細研磨成套設備,磨料泵,蝦膏魚溶漿磨機,中國膠體磨廠家,管線式分散研磨泵是我公司產業化投發市場上的多性能泵產品。因此, 這類泵產品在使用並不多見的分散乳化研磨和泵組合體, 其功能已經覆括:研磨機、乳化泵、混合機、均質機、膠體磨、分散機和輸送泵的作用, 為一機多用和多功能組合一體化的新型設備。
磨料泵 浙江昊星HAOSTARS粉碎研磨設備,濕磨機,膠體研磨泵 中國.溫州膠體磨廠家 管線式研磨分散機(泵)JMW、JPW、JPF系列用腐殖酸液體水溶肥研磨泵,復合液體肥料粉碎腐殖酸水肥膠體磨&研磨泵,粉碎型研磨機,膠體磨的返流式膠體磨, 重油渣研磨泵,重油和重油分散研磨泵,它能使乳化和分散效果較常規膠體磨不能處理的而進一步提高機械性能。這種新型膠體磨結構緊湊,堅固。由於整機為封閉式管道在線分散、粉碎、均質和研磨運行,因此防止了週圍空氣進入介質中,而且機器處理速度很快,剪切間隙非常小,這樣當物料經過的時候,形成的摩擦力比較劇烈而達到濕式分散、混合、粉碎、研磨和泵出的效果,通常所說的濕磨粉碎機或粉碎泵。定轉子被製成圓椎形,具有精細度遞升的多級鋸齒突起和凹槽。定子可以無限制的被調整到所需要的與轉子之間的距離。在增強的流體湍流下,凹槽在每級都可以改變方向。高質量的表面拋光和結構材料,可以滿足不同行業的多種要求。
設備具有高剪切、打漿、分散、均質、消光、混合、研磨、活性、包膜、在線連續性和集自動一體化機械性能。機器工件加工和製造難度相當高,研發投入科研成本亦大,對於這種環境的條件下, 我公司率先對產品進行技術攻關和充分利用自主技術、科技發展項目產業化和新技術採用特殊合金材料的研製管線式研磨泵,管線式多功能研磨機,鈦白粉碎精細型研磨泵、膠體管道磨使用於分散研磨輸送鈦白、白炭黑、阻燃材料、塗層膠、鋰電基料、電池正負料、新能源、納米材料等后處理加工設備,可取代進口三輥機等設備。
價格條款:︰ FOB
付款方式︰ LC
Titanium High-Speed Grinding Machine (New Colloid Mills) Hao Sar is committed to the development of large high-speed grinding machine colloidal mill Colloid Mill made great scientific and technological fruits, such as the patented new products: Multi-purpose grinding machine using a special dynamic seal (using a number of patented technologies), No material may be transferred under dry and will not damage dynamic seal and mechanical properties, maintenance rate is low, the friction power is small, grinding, dispersion fineness are "2-micron, the effect is good, and high efficiency. The machine spindle speed of up to 2000-3500 per minute forward, grinding line speeds of up to 1200-4500 meters per minute. Is mainly used for fineness demanding, difficult ground, scattered materials, completely replace the three-roll machine, imported grinding machine, heterogeneous machines and other equipment, our factory to develop new products Titanium Grinder SSJM-W250Ac-2; SSJM-W320Ac -2; SSJM-W400Ac-2, and other special models is currently the only instead of imported grinding machine or sanding machines, used in high-grade titanium dioxide - Titanium Dioxide (active titanium dioxide) on the preparation process, the production efficiency is the above-mentioned similar products several times, can significantly lower production costs, but the grains were uniform, clean easily change color, no grinding impurities. Can be widely used in: chemical industry, food industry, daily chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, titanium dioxide industry, ceramic industry, bio-engineering and other fields, spearheaded the introduction of Seven Star Dairy Equipment Factory manufactured titanium dioxide slurry of the wet ultrafine particles specific grinding Machines: Titanium grinding machine SSJM-W250Ac-2 colloidal series, are: Haopu Titanium, Titanium simexco, Panzhihua titanium sea, Dong Jia Group, Gimpo Group, Nanjing Titanium Dioxide and other Chinese manufacturers used by leading enterprises and get users.
Seven companies for road bitumen industry, has developed the world's most cutting-edge products, modified bitumen mixture dispersed closed continuous grinding machine, Colloid Mills series and complete sets of production equipment to improve the traditional equipment of space occupied by large, high energy consumption, low efficiency drawbacks, in order to low power consumption, small space, high-quality, highly efficient integrated solution to replace the asphalt road and bridge has been widely used in the production process. Especially in the EVA / SBA mixed decentralized aspect of the product to achieve at the highest 380 ℃ and 16Bar under conditions of continuous mixing polymer and asphalt, asphalt maximum feed capacity of 35 tons / hour, the corresponding EVA / SBS maximum feed capacity will be increased to 8 tons / hour, and, at the same time the completion of modified asphalt, high-speed shearing, in order to achieve high standards of uniformity and fineness.