








昊星封閉式膠體磨|鈦白粉膠體磨|多功能膠體磨|膠體磨技術|膠體磨性能|膠體磨製造|膠體磨價格|管線式膠體磨|鈦業膠體磨|製藥膠體磨|化工膠體磨|乳化膠體磨|瀝青膠體磨|陶瓷膠體磨|大型膠體磨|實驗室小型膠體磨|研磨機|colloid mill|昊星機械設備製造有限公司專業致力于設計、開發、製造、銷售食品機械設備、製藥機械設備、化工機械設備、乳品飲料機配套設備:膠體磨[colloid mills立式膠體磨(直連式)、分體式膠體磨(傍立式)、臥式膠體磨(整機、單機)、管線式膠體磨、全封閉式膠體磨、雙冷卻式膠體磨、分散均質膠體磨]、多功能研磨機、鈦白粉研磨機,多功能研磨機組、濕式超微粒粉碎機、膠磨機、磨漿機、水粉混合器,混合機、打漿機、均質機、高剪切乳化均質機、ZB3A系列膠體泵(轉子泵、凸輪泵、三葉泵、蝶型泵、不鏽鋼容積泵、萬用輸送泵)、乳勻機、螺杆泵、鈦白漿料輸送泵、單螺杆濃漿泵、氣動漿料泵(皮革噴漿泵、打漿泵浦、插桶泵、濃漿泵)、高剪切分散乳化泵、固液混合泵、鈦白粉漿料泵、超高壓均質泵、飲料泵、柱塞式氣動漿料泵系列(氣動漿料泵、氣動泵、漿料泵,氣動泵插桶泵、氣動防爆插桶泵柱塞式、油桶泵、氣動活塞泵、氣動柱塞泵、氣動濃漿泵、氣動往復泵、氣動打膠泵、氣動抽液泵,氣動防爆不鏽鋼泵,皮革噴漿泵、高粘度漿料泵、氣動泵浦、打漿料泵浦)板式換熱器、各種過濾設備、洗罐球、清洗旋轉球、自動噴球及衛生級卡箍、活接頭、閥門管道配及機電類產品,產品服務領域覆蓋了工業、農業、交通、能源、建築、輕工、汽車、船舶、礦山、冶金、陶瓷、鈦業、高校科研院所重點實驗室、航空航天等國民經濟重要產業領域,提供專業化服務。


廠 址:溫州經濟技術開發區濱海園區五道696號
商務熱線:+86-577-86999999 86830999
傳 真:+86-577-86827859

Wenzhou Hao Star Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd

產品優點︰ 昊星膠體磨,萬用磨漿機,膠體磨,立式膠磨機,衛生級膠體磨,不鏽鋼膠體磨,多功能磨漿機,回流管膠體磨,分體式膠體磨,膠體磨的廠家,臥式膠體磨,封閉式膠體磨,流體磨漿機,流體膠體磨,質量保証膠體磨,大型膠體磨泵,現做玉米汁機,現磨玉米汁機,玉米汁機,大功率磨漿機,工業磨漿機,製藥磨漿機,食品磨漿機,化工磨漿機, 膠磨機,還有特殊膠體磨,鈦白粉膠體磨,鈦白粉研磨機, 鈦白粉轉子磨, 管線式膠體磨,雙卻式膠體磨
• 配立式電動機,機體與電機連體同軸結構,故又稱連體式膠體磨。
• 設有排設擋水盤,操作使用簡單,安裝維護方便,體積小等特點。為濕式超微粒研磨、粉碎、乳化、混合、分散、均質、攪拌等高效功能混合機均質機。
• 適用於各類液態狀介質物料,大型機處理物料粘稠密度應小於5000-10000釐泊的介質,小型機處理物料粘稠密度應小於300-1000釐泊的介質。
• 可代替並優于石磨,研磨機砂磨機、球磨機、乳勻機、乳化機乳化機、三輥機、搗碎機等工作。亦可按照客戶對加工物料不同的酸度、碱度、濃稠度等性質特殊要求
Titanium High-Speed Grinding Machine (New Colloid Mills) Hao Star is committed to the development of large high-speed grinding machine colloidal mill Colloid Mill made great scientific and technological fruits, such as the patented new products: Multi-purpose grinding machine using a special dynamic seal (using a number of patented technologies), No material may be transferred under dry and will not damage dynamic seal and mechanical properties, maintenance rate is low, the friction power is small, grinding, dispersion fineness are "2-micron, the effect is good, and high efficiency. The machine spindle speed of up to 2000-3500 per minute forward, grinding line speeds of up to 1200-4500 meters per minute. Is mainly used for fineness demanding, difficult ground, scattered materials, completely replace the three-roll machine, imported grinding machine, heterogeneous machines and other equipment, our factory to develop new products Titanium Grinder SSJM-W250Ac-2; SSJM-W320Ac -2; SSJM-W400Ac-2, and other special models is currently the only instead of imported grinding machine or sanding machines, used in high-grade titanium dioxide - Titanium Dioxide (active titanium dioxide) on the preparation process, the production efficiency is the above-mentioned similar products several times, can significantly lower production costs, but the grains were uniform, clean easily change color, no grinding impurities. Can be widely used in: chemical industry, food industry, daily chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, titanium dioxide industry, ceramic industry, bio-engineering and other fields, spearheaded the introduction of Seven Star Dairy Equipment Factory manufactured titanium dioxide slurry of the wet ultrafine particles specific grinding Machines: Titanium grinding machine SSJM-W250Ac-2 colloidal series, are: Haopu Titanium, Titanium simexco, Panzhihua titanium sea, Dong Jia Group, Gimpo Group, Nanjing Titanium Dioxide and other Chinese manufacturers used by leading enterprises and get users.
Seven companies for road bitumen industry, has developed the world's most cutting-edge products, modified bitumen mixture dispersed closed continuous grinding machine, Colloid Mills series and complete sets of production equipment to improve the traditional equipment of space occupied by large, high energy consumption, low efficiency drawbacks, in order to low power consumption, small space, high-quality, highly efficient integrated solution to replace the asphalt road and bridge has been widely used in the production process. Especially in the EVA / SBA mixed decentralized aspect of the product to achieve at the highest 380 ℃ and 16Bar under conditions of continuous mixing polymer and asphalt, asphalt maximum feed capacity of 35 tons / hour, the corresponding EVA / SBS maximum feed capacity will be increased to 8 tons / hour, and, at the same time the completion of modified asphalt, high-speed shearing, in order to achieve high standards of uniformity and fineness.
