


  • 沙拉酱胶体磨
  • 沙拉酱胶体磨
  • 沙拉酱胶体磨
  • 沙拉酱胶体磨
  • 沙拉酱胶体磨

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胶体磨|研磨机|乳化机|湿磨|混合泵 胶体泵,转子泵,粉碎泵、打浆机 昊星胶体磨 colloid mill 粉碎研磨泵用于液体或粘稠物料的研磨机器。医药胶体磨,药剂胶体磨,API胶体磨化工胶体磨,HS食品胶体磨比普通胶体磨具有全自动剪切、分散、破碎、乳化、均质、均化、混合、研磨等效能。研磨细化能力更强,可分为立式胶体磨,分体式胶体磨,卧式研磨机,封闭式胶体研磨机组,管道磨和低温数控分散粉碎研磨成套设备,六种智造湿磨机械类型,HAOSTARS多功能浆磨机,粉砬泵,精细研磨成套设备,磨料泵,虾膏鱼溶浆磨机,中国胶体磨厂家,管线式分散研磨泵是我公司产业化投发市场上的多性能泵产品。因此, 这类泵产品在使用并不多见的分散乳化研磨和泵组合体, 其功能已经覆括:研磨机、乳化泵、混合机、均质机、胶体磨、分散机和输送泵的作用, 为一机多用和多功能组合一体化的新型设备。



磨料泵 浙江昊星HAOSTARS粉碎研磨设备,湿磨机,胶体研磨泵 中国.温州胶体磨厂家 管线式研磨分散机()JMWJPWJPF系列用腐殖酸液体水溶肥研磨泵,复合液体肥料粉碎腐殖酸水肥胶体磨&研磨泵,粉碎型研磨机,胶体磨的返流式胶体磨, 重油渣研磨泵,重油和重油分散研磨泵,它能使乳化和分散效果较常规胶体磨不能处理的而进一步提高机械性能。这种新型胶体磨结构紧凑,坚固。由于整机为封闭式管道在线分散、粉碎、均质和研磨运行,因此防止了周围空气进入介质中,而且机器处理速度很快,剪切间隙非常小,这样当物料经过的时候,形成的摩擦力比较剧烈而达到湿式分散、混合、粉碎、研磨和泵出的效果,通常所说的湿磨粉碎机或粉碎泵。定转子被制成圆椎形,具有精细度递升的多级锯齿突起和凹槽。定子可以无限制的被调整到所需要的与转子之间的距离。在增强的流体湍流下,凹槽在每级都可以改变方向。高质量的表面抛光和结构材料,可以满足不同行业的多种要求。


设备具有高剪切、打浆、分散、均质、消光、混合、研磨、活性、包膜、在线连续性和集自动一体化机械性能。机器工件加工和制造难度相当高,研发投入科研成本亦大,对于这种环境的条件下, 我公司率先对产品进行技术攻关和充分利用自主技术、科技发展项目产业化和新技术采用特殊合金材料的研制管线式研磨泵,管线式多功能研磨机,钛白粉碎精细型研磨泵、胶体管道磨使用于分散研磨输送钛白、白炭黑、阻燃材料、涂层胶、锂电基料、电池正负料、新能源、纳米材料等后处理加工设备,完全可取代进口三辊机等设备。

胶体磨可干湿两用粉碎机器,主要以多功能湿式处理流体超微粒粉碎、研磨、乳化、分散、均质、搅拌、混合等功能为主导产品,可代替并优于石磨,砂磨机、球磨机、乳匀机、剪切分散泵,均质乳化机、三辊机、组织捣碎机等工作效率。多功能胶体磨已形成五大系列“立式胶体磨系列、分体式胶体磨系列、卧式胶体磨系列、全封闭式胶体磨系列、可空转干湿两用胶体磨系列”百多种型号规格的胶体磨产品,给广大用户选购设备提供更大空间和余地,使设备资源得到更科学性、专业性和节能性的利用,成功应用于菠萝、芦荟、仙人掌等果汁、饼馅、涂料、生化、制药、啤酒、动植蛋白深加工、淀粉、胶粘剂、聚氨酯、陶瓷、沥青及新材料生产和研究等领域。特别是我们 推出的小型胶体磨(实验室专用的实验设备)、特大胶体磨、封闭式胶体磨、可空转胶体磨系列等产品,已被全国各地近千家企业及高等院校重点实验室、科研所的采用和实用性推广,并得到广大专家的好评。比如采购设备单位:清华科技园、山东大学、山东农业大学、河北省农业大学、上海医科大学、首都医科大学、南京医科大学、武汉化工学院、武汉理工大学、北京友谊医院、苏州非金属矿研究院、新疆中基天然纯化高新技术究所、天津化工研究设计院、黑龙江省化工研究院、南京蓝本科研所、海南省药物研究所、广东省造纸研究所、重庆钰鑫集团、广州立白集团、厦门古龙集团、徐州恩华药业集团、昆明中友集团、康恩贝集团、联盛集团贵州药业、晋新双鹤药业、集成药业、信谊药业、北京双吉药业、上海双基药业、河南新谊药业股份有限公司、三九医药股份有限公司、深圳金刚源新材料科技发展公司、北海果香园果汁有限公司、江苏三木芦荟有限公司、福清新大泽螺旋藻有限公司、华迪集团、奈米科技桃园农药、富农化工公司(马来西亚)、瑞典利乐拉代集团、香港沐林食品工业集团、杰克姆工业公司(越南)、艾墨特公司(美国)、上海哈勃公司、慧达工贸股份有限公司(台湾)、江苏力保建材工业有限公司、上海慧润胶粘剂有限公司、国民(广东)淀粉す业公司、福建三山淀粉有限公司、上海华宝孔雀香精香料有限公司、重庆亚原生物技术公司、菲律宾国际制药公司、韩国宇星株式会社、韩国庄起产业、GFP Limited(坦桑尼亚)、瑞驰医药(香港、韩国)、一九单位07研究所、沈阳强力陶瓷有限公司、沈阳市合家乐陶瓷有限公司、红梅陶瓷有限公司、湖北兴盛陶瓷有限公司以及高安、淄博、景德镇及闽清县等地陶业,用户已遍布全球,产品畅销国内外市场。



化学工业:油漆、颜料、染料、涂料、润滑油、合成脂、润滑脂、柴油、石油催化剂、乳化沥青、胶粘剂、洗涤剂、塑料、 、玻璃钢、合成革、皮革及乳化 等。





Hao star Multi-functional Colloid MillAbbreviationHS-JTM type COLLIOD MILLGRINDIND MACHINEHave another names called wet type ultra particle pulverize, wet pulverize, glue mill, rub machine, high shear emulsification grind machine, bitumen colloidal pump, compounding pump. The man factions of Sevenstar Multi-functional Colloid Mill has a long history, the preeminent quality, the remarkable performance, has enjoyed the great fame for a long time and firmly get the favor of the internal and external traveling traders. Especially, the technological transformation department of our factory has passed the innovation of the Hi-Tech means since in recent years, tackle the difficult and key problems, make the breakthrough achievement of transformation by a large margin to the tradition colloidal mull and have already filled the three domestic blanks now. It obtains seven national patents for invention in succession. It is authenticated by IS09001-2000, executes by the standard of Q/WSS02-2004, GB/T and got the certification of national quality testing of the year 2000-2004, first prize of national patented technological invention, and national second prize of scientific technological achievement progressive award. It obtains the titles of star enterprise, leading brand products, sincere unit and outstanding group member of quality inspection association in the walks of Chinese food and packing machine. The production of Sevenstar Multi-functional Colloid Mill has the characteristics of new and practical and novel in the appearance, environmental protection and energy-conservation, favorable price, small and the high benefit. Let your system reliable, sanitary, and quiet and even more save the electricity.

HS-JTM series colloid mill can accord to users’ special requirement offer the one multi-functional but idling type operation. The machine is sealed and has not kept in touch with the medium definitely. Machinery seal can use longevity long of new generation hygiene grade and colloid rub (the patent for invention of China) and has developed another kind of closed colloid rub. Its all closed circulated backset current system makes the supplies carry on the multi-functional grind, emulsification, homogeneous, crush, disperse, and stir, processing that mix in the airtight environment. The characteristics of it such as good at closing protect from volatility, flammable and explosive and in high hygiene and can work under the vacuum condition. Especially suitable for: Essence , spices , medicine , medicine , petroleum , chemical industry , fine chemistry industry , biologic product , plant albumen , animal's albumen , beer , food , explosive , university and scientific research laboratory. Thus it is pure to reach the explosion defend and fire –proof, prevent the quality volatilizing or stimulating the working environment and guarantee that processes the active principle of the supplies. Can make process supplies effectively get many treatment of circulation and last to ideal result. The closed colloid rub allocates many kinds of functions such as  multiple function device can adjustment the disk and regulatory interval the detailed degree of emulsification machine and prevent it from swelling in a flexible way and also balance the pressure of the container and can also run if it is lack of material. So, its characteristic is totally closed of good performance, fire-proof and explosion-proof, defend the outlet, can dally, easy to operate, hygiene and environmental protection, energy-conservation and high-efficient and has long performance life, it is the more advanced colloid mill.

HS-JTM series colloid mill can grind in either dry or wet way. It takes the products as the leading factor in  multi-functional fluid ultra particle crush, grind, emulsification, disperse, homogeneous, stir and mix. It can replace and superior to the stone mill, sand mill, ball mill, even milk machine, shearing and dispersing pump, quality emulsification machine, three roller machine, organizing and pounding machine in the working efficiency. The multi-functional colloid mill has formed five major series and over one hundred kinds of type specifications such as "vertical colloid series, separated colloid series, horizontal colloid series, all closed colloid series and dally and dual-purposely colloid series”. Offer the large space and leeway for users to choose the equipments and make use of the resource scientific, professional and energy-conserving. Succeed in applying to the juice of pineapple, aloe and cactus, the deep processing of pies, coating, biochemistry, pharmacy, beer and albumen of animals and plants, the new produce and studying material of starch, adhesive, polyurethane, pottery and bitumen. Especially the series product of small-scale colloid mill that we newly introduced (laboratory special-purpose experimental facilities), enormous colloid mill, closed colloid mill and dally colloid mill are initiated at home and already adopt and popularization practically in the scientific research institution in all parts of the country nearly one thousand enterprise and received the masses of well experts. The units purchasing the equipments: Tsing-Hua Scien-tech Garden University, Shandong University, Shandong Agricultural University , Hebei Agricultural University, Shanghai Medical University , Capital Medical University , Nanjing Medical University, Wuhan Chemical Industury Institute, Wuhan Technology Institute, Beijing Friendship Hospital, Suzhou Nonmetal Ore Research Institute, Xinjiang ZhongJi natural purification new and high technical Institute, Tianjin Chemical Studying and Designing institute, Heilongjiang Chemical Research institute, Nanjing original version scientific research institution, Hainan Medical institute , Guangdong Papermaking Research institute, Chongqing YuXing group, Guangzhou LiaBai group, group, Xiamen GuLong group, Xuzhou EnHua medical group, Kunming Zhongyou group, KangEnbei group, Guizhou medicine of LianSheng group, Jinxin ShuangHe Medicine, JiCheng Medicine,XinYi Medicine, Beijing ShuangJi Medicine, Shanghai ShuangJi Medicine, Henan XinYi Medicine Limited Company, SanJiu Medicine Limited Company, Shenzhen JinGangyuan Technology & Development Co. of new material, Beihai GuoXiangyuan Fruit Juice Limited Company, Jiangsu SanMu Aloe Limited Company, Fuqing XinDaze Spiral algae Limited Company, HuaDi Group, NaiMi scientific and technological peach garden pesticide, FuNong Chemical company (Malaysia), Swedish LiLeladai Group, Hong Kong MuLin Group of food industry ,  Jackmu Industrial company (Vietnam), Emiter Company (U.S.A.), Shanghai Harbor Company,HuiDa industry and trade Company (Taiwan), Jiangsu LiBao Co., Ltd. of building materials industry , Shanghai HuiRun adhesive Co., Ltd, Starch Company of the people (Guangdong), Fujian SanShan starch Co., Ltd. Shanghai HuaBao peacock essential spices Co., Ltd., Chongqing YaYuan biotech company, International drugmaker of Philippine, South Korean YuXing Corporation, South Korea QiZhuang industry, GFP Limited (Tanzania),  RuiChi Medicine(Hong Kong, South Korea), 07 research institute of YiJiu  unit, QiangLi Ceramic Co., Ltd. of Shenyang, HeJiale Ceramic Co., Ltd. of Shenyang, HongMei Ceramic Co., Ltd.  XingSheng Ceramic Co., Ltd. of Hubei and Pottery industry in Gao An, Zibo, Jing De-zhen and Minqing county, users already spread all over the world, the products sell well in both domestic and international markets.

产品规格︰Haostrs JM-FB180-2:JM-FB250-2:JM-FB300-2:JM-FB320-2:JM-FBF180-2:JM-FBF250-2:JM-FBF300-2:JM-FBF320-2:JM-WB180-2:JM-WB250-2:JM-WB300-2:JM-WB320-2:JM-W180-2:JM-W250-2:JM-W300-2:JM-w320-2:


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