型號︰ | - |
品牌︰ | 昊星 |
原產地︰ | 中國 |
單價︰ | - |
最少訂量︰ | - |
昊星HAOSTARS粉碎研磨設備,濕磨機,膠體研磨泵 中國.溫州膠體磨廠家 管線式研磨泵(管線式多功能研磨機,鈦白粉膠體磨)、鈦白炭黑活性包膜超微粒后處理配套設備:鈦白粉(白炭黑)研磨后處理成套設備等機械是浙江昊星機械製造有限公司目前生產的新產品, 可代替進口研磨機或砂磨機而成功應用於鈦渣制取鈦白粉的研磨製備,使用在活性鈦白粉(二氧化鈦-活性鈦白)、白炭黑(二氧化硅-消光白炭黑)的后處理設備工藝流程上有了更大發揮,優勢在於上述類似產品比較在其生產效率的數倍,可大幅度的降低生產成本費用,而且在線連續運行、分散顆粒均勻、清洗換色方便、包膜迅速而無研磨雜質。
推薦產品如:立式膠體磨、臥式膠體磨、濕式膠磨機、多功能colloid mill膠體磨,封閉式膠體磨、分體式膠體磨、衛生級膠體磨、實驗膠體磨、不鏽鋼膠體磨、管線式膠體磨、濕式膠體磨、鈦白膠體磨單機設備:膠體磨、冷熱缸、發酵罐、種子罐、配料罐、直冷式貯奶罐、化糖鍋、夾層鍋、臥式殺菌鍋、反應鍋、無菌貯罐、CIP 清洗設備、真空脫氣罐、超高溫瞬時滅菌機、多功能提取罐、調配罐、全自動板式超高溫滅菌機、打漿機、板式換熱器、各種過濾設備、水粉混合器或料液混合泵、飲料泵及管道閥門配件等品質好、性能可靠,久享盛譽,深得海內外客商的青睞。
工程應用案例: 智能低溫膠體磨成套設備JM-FBF140-2Z應用臺灣上工植物原生態研磨粉碎制劑工程;HSG系列智能數控低溫(直冷式)均化研磨成套設備用在聚睿(杭州)生物科技有限公司、浙江億農優鮮農業生態科技發展有限公司生物面膜項目和贛南海欣藥業股份制備豬脾臟制備含多肽、口服溶液;特製膠體磨用於浙江豐安生物製藥年產6噸胰蛋白酶、脾氨肽、雙向抵抗調劑工程;JM-W300AC55KW納米錐體磨-石墨烯研磨機應用於貴州鼎璽烯材高科技有限公司年產量100噸石墨烯生產線; JM-W250AD、JM-W180AB鋰電基料研磨泵(多功能漿磨機)高分子樹脂粉碎研磨泵 HSJMW鋰電池漿料管道膠體磨應用在四川南光新能源、深圳一電電池、成都易安勝科技、浙江萬馬、渭南超安易能新能源科技等鋰電池正負極基料生產線上;JM-W200AB-F泵型管線式耐高溫210℃多功能研磨機,應用於嘉興北化年產量6000噸新型防老劑SPPD、多功能流動劑LT-13、交聯劑、無鋅化活性劑等研磨分散粉碎精細處理和金山化工模量增強劑HMZ、均勻劑A78等橡膠助劑項目;耐腐蝕耐磨特殊鋼精製硬質不鏽鋼JM-W250AD37型應用OSC Siam Silica CO.,Ltd.、美國陶氏、上海凱賽、中國林業科學研究院林產化學工業研究所與江蘇強森生物能源成果轉化項目活性炭、碳酸鈣等新材料項目工程;JM-W250AD-2/4應用於中海亞化學年生產3000噸吸附式調溫材料項目和中石化北京燕山催化劑廠、杭州凱明催化劑股份等催化劑化工工程項目;JM-W180AC用於東莞鑽脂、中石化重慶分公司、一坪潤滑油、納拓(上海)潤滑技術的和非牛頓流體合成潤滑脂制備;多功能膠體磨JM-W200AB-F多功能研磨機-研磨泵JP-W250AD-F;JM-W250AD用於廣州根達農業科技有限公司、江蘇揚農集團、新疆沙雅新豐實業有限公司的腐植酸液體水溶肥、復合生態肥料、滴灌肥生產工程;JM-WB300AB、WB250AB-2(衛生級泵式)系列應用嘉必優萬噸生物工程ARA+DHA(發酵法)單體工廠;JM-W250AD用於榮成海聖魚粉廠、榮成市和豐生物科技有限公司、海中源生物科技股份有限公司、舟山新舟粉碎魚蝦漿的飼料、魚粉、魚餌等生產,亞泰蕃茄醬和辣椒醬等食品大型生產線;華宇炭黑有限公司、江西黑貓炭黑股份有限公司,通化雙龍化工股份有限公司,臺灣立安東化工股份有限公司,泰國硅暹股份有限公司,吉清股份有限公司等改性白炭黑大型打漿泵用於年產5-20年噸二氧化硅濾餅高速制漿改性研磨工程項目;分體式研磨泵JM-W250AD用於株洲興隆新材料股份有限公司硅酸鈉、飼料級二氧化硅、沉澱水合二氧化硅等無機硅化物濕法解聚分散打漿制漿粉碎技改工程項目;JM-W200AB22系列高剪切多功能研磨機泵應用於年產2萬噸山東佳瑩新材料有限公司,浙江來往新材料有限公司、新旺膠粘有限公司、浙江匯鋒新材料有限公司、浙江浦森新材料有限公司、江蘇吳江銀河絲織整理有限公司、巴斯伏阻燃材料工程;,LSB-80JX/P4精細粉碎泵JP-W200AC管道膠體磨、JP-W250A55系列管道磨式10臺大型研磨泵成功應用於江蘇四新應用科技研究院有限公司儀征四新新材料有限公司年產8萬噸高碳醇&有機硅乳液設備組,消泡劑設備組等工程項目;JP250AD-F分體式研磨泵和大型膠體磨JM-W250AB、鈦白研磨機JM-W250AD-2系列鈦白粉研磨機應用在攀枝花東方鈦業有限公司、攀鋼渝鈦、東佳集團、攀枝花大互通鈦業有限公司、中國鈦海集團、廣東惠云鈦業股份有限公司、漯河興茂鈦業有限公司、廣西金龍鈦業有限公司、攀枝花海峰鑫化工有限責任公司、金浦集團南京鈦白化工等公司的多條年產4-20萬噸精鈦粉(鈦渣)制取改性鈦白(二氧化鈦)包膜的中端制備。以及涉及南海霸力化工、上海匯潤膠粘劑、福爾波粘合劑(廣州)、江陰貝瑞森生化技術、永得利膠囊、錢江膠囊、中亞膠囊、浙江綠健膠囊、康恩貝集團、仙琚藥業、新昌製藥、中柴新能源有限公司、中國橡膠集團特種材料研究所等膠粘劑、醫藥制劑等項目工程;JM-W250AD;200AC;180AC系列應用在中國石油化工總公司重慶分公司、一坪潤滑油有限公司、上海納拓潤滑技術有限公司、納拓(江蘇) 潤滑脂有限公司、東莞鑽脂等合成脂、潤滑脂等生產線上。昊星智能機械設備在管道聯接密閉性好,使含顆粒迅速分散解聚、攪拌混合、打漿均化、研磨粉粒和輸送自動一體化工藝處理上有了更大發揮,與類似產品比較在其節能和生產效率的數倍,效益顯着。
產品規格︰ | 各型膠體磨性能表 型號:JM系列 50a 50b-c 65 80 80 100 100 120 120 140 140 180 180 L L L L F L F L F L F L F 乳化細度(um) ≤2 ≤2 ≤2 ≤2 ≤2 ≤2 ≤2 調節範圍(um) 1-0.01 1-0.01 1-0.01 1-0.01 1-0.01 1-0.01 1-0.01 產量(t/h) 0.01-0.5 0.2-.7 0.5-1 0.7-3 1-3.5 1-4 2-6 電機 功率(kw) 0.75 1.1 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 5.5 7.5 7.5 11 7.5 11 電壓(v) 220 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 轉速(r/min) 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 磨盤直徑(mm) Ø50 Ø65 Ø80 Ø100 Ø120 Ø140 Ø180 出料直徑(英吋) Ø5/2" Ø1 Ø1" Ø1" Ø1" Ø11/2" Ø2" 進口直徑(英吋) Ø11/4" Ø11/4" Ø2" Ø21/2" Ø21/2" Ø21/2" Ø31/2" 冷卻水管徑(英吋) (50c)1/5" 1/5" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 外形尺寸 長(mm) 420 460 480 700 580 800 600 810 580 800 600 820 寬(mm) 280 335 340 340 430 400 435 400 430 400 435 410 高(mm) 730 800 860 810 930 920 815 925 930 930 950 950 淨重(kg) 38 50 88 105 150 270 155 280 165 300 175 320 * 膠體磨JM系列為:L型立式、F型為分體式、W型為臥式、B型為整體不鏽鋼各式,其中,W型其基本為單機,除外型尺寸不同及B型為各種膠體磨系列的外型全部為全不鏽鋼之外,主要技術數據均同上功能表。
產品優點︰ | Wenzhou Hao Star Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is located in the East China Sea coast, south Ouhai Avenue and Airport Road traffic line, west of Wenzhou million tons of freight terminals and train station 20 km, close neighbors, Wenzhou, Wenzhou Yongqiang Airport 8 km economic and technological development District Coastal Zone, convenient transportation and beautiful scenery. Hao Star under the Wenzhou City Food Pharmaceutical Machinery Industry Association, China Association of Inventions, China Quality Inspection Association, China Light Industry Machinery Association, China Food and Packaging Machinery Industry Association, China's food production base of pharmaceutical machinery such as members of the unit, through the ISO9001 international quality management system certification, awarded utility models, designs and other Chinese inventions patented a number of new technologies, the State Technological Invention Award first prize for the patent, the State quality inspection qualified, national stability and qualified product quality inspection certificates, China Food and Packaging Machinery Industry Integrity Member unit of China Association of Quality Supervision, Inspection advanced units and individual members and other honorary titles, with strong resources integration and ability to apply. Strong research and development, extensive global marketing network, strong financial strength and project finance capabilities, forming a covering design, development, manufacture, international trade, and so a complete industrial chain, with a unique value of the estate and the market competitive advantage. Hao Star spirit of "unity and hard work, courage to lead" approach, with a solid foundation for continuous innovation, now has a number of national patents, has a number of excellent processing machinery and special equipments. "To scientific and technological innovation and development, quality reputation in order to survive" business philosophy. Professionals dedicated to designing, developing, manufacturing, sales, food machinery, pharmaceutical machinery, chemical machinery and equipment, dairy beverage machinery and equipment and machinery and electronic products: JM Colloid Mill [colloid mills Vertical Colloid Mill (Direct Connect), Split Colloid Mill (Pong Vertical), Horizontal Colloid Mill (machine, stand-alone), pipeline-type Colloid Mill, all enclosed Colloid Mill, Double-cooled colloid mill, homogeneous colloidal dispersion], multi-functional grinding machine, Titanium grinding machines, multi-functional grinding machine, wet ultrafine particles grinder, plastic grinder, refiner, gouache mixers, THJ-L / F Series Mixer, MC18 mixers, Beater, homogenizer, high shear emulsification are machine-cut, ZB3A series of colloid pump (rotor pump, cam pump, clover pump, butterfly pump, stainless steel volume pump, 10000 pump with the delivery), milk uniform machines, screw, titanium dioxide slurry pumps, single - thick screw pump, pneumatic slurry pumps (leather spray pump, beating pump, insert barrel pumps, pump thick), high-shear dispersion emulsion pump, solid-liquid mixing pump, titanium dioxide slurry pump, high pressure are quality pumps, beverage pump, plate heat exchangers, a variety of filtration equipment, wash tank ball, cleaning spinning ball, automatic spray the ball and sanitation level clamp, live joints, valves, pipe fittings, products, services, covering industry, agriculture, transportation, energy, construction, light industry, automobile, shipbuilding, mining, metallurgy, ceramics, Titanium, Key Laboratory of universities and scientific research institutes, aerospace and other areas of national economy, an important industry for more than 140 countries and regions in the world to provide specialized service. Hao Star has been of particular concern in recent years, China's pharmaceutical, food-grade high-grade titanium dioxide manufacturing exports gradually step into the line of foreign cases, titanium dioxide plant out of the sulfuric acid reaction using high-performance grinding dispersion method to prepare high-grade titanium dioxide, Wenzhou Hao star Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. since 2004 started the development of super-hard grinding machines and other quality of titanium dioxide titanium dioxide post-processing equipment, including large-scale ultra-high speed grinding machines and special alloy steel mill body Colloid Mill - Titanium grinding machine, multi-function grinding machine, already has independent intellectual property patents of new products, machine spindle speed of up to 3000-3500r/min, grinding speed per minute up to 5000-9500m. Is mainly used for fineness demanding, difficult ground, scattered materials, completely replace the three-roll machine, imported grinding machine, heterogeneous machines and other equipment, new products, titanium dioxide Grinder HSJM-W250Ac-2; HSJM-W320Ac-2; HSJM-W400Ac-2 series Titanium grinding is the only exclusive models instead of imported grinding machine or a sanding machine and successfully applied to titanium slag Preparation of titanium dioxide, ground preparation of high-grade titanium dioxide - Titanium Dioxide (active titanium dioxide) in post-processing equipment, process, use the unit: Haopu Titanium, Titanium simexco, Panzhihua Iron and Steel Group, Dong Jia Group, Gimpo Group, Nanjing Titanium Dioxide and other Chinese manufacturers used by leading enterprises, and get the user's praise. Hao Star adhering to the "novelty, study, sum," the entrepreneurial spirit, committed to bringing enterprises have created a learning organization, employees and the company to achieve and grow together. Faced with the challenge of a new round of economic and trade, enterprise-wide to promote the "strategic human resource management focus from labor-intensive industries to technology-intensive industries shift from commodity to commodity and capital simultaneously operating transfer from the domestic market to domestic and equal emphasis on international markets, the transfer of "development strategy for the realization of ho-sing" create the domestic first-class five-year, ten years creating the world's brand "of the grand blueprint of the party.